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Friends is a subcategory of Gems & Friends. It features all relatable items to gemstones and crystals. This includes incense, meditation tools, and sage. Some might refer to it at metaphysical or spiritual products.

Our incense is handcrafted in Mission BC by a Native owned and operated company. They produce scents like sage, sweetgrass, sandalwood, and maple. These are natural smelling incense and will not trigger migraines for those who are scent-sensitive. This incense will also last longer then what you would find at a box store so it is well worth the price and makes a great gift. Pair our incense with a unique driftwood or concrete incense holder to complete your gift.

Meditation tools can include wellness journals which have been written by Saskatoon author, Becky Giles. Weighted eye and neck pillows with removable covers help with meditation and sleep. Beeswax gala stick candles are colour coordinated with the chakra points to assist in unblocking and working on chakras.

Locally harvested sage, palo santo wood bundles, and convenient smoke-free sage spray are all useful in removing negative energy. Our palo santo bundles come tied together with dried flower bouquets and a variety of crystals for your choosing. Truly a beautiful, unique and thoughtful gift!

Spiritual products in Saskatoon. Crystal stores Saskatoon. Metaphysical stores Saskatoon.