Gems & Friends

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Gemstones & Crystals Saskatoon

Crystal stores Saskatoon. There is over 90 varieties of gemstones and crystals to choose from in Gems & Friends, from common crystals to the lesser known ones like Merlinite. The tumbled stones found in our Saskatoon shop are a great size to carry with you in a pocket or car! They can help to encourage healing and spiritually cleanse both the environment and the person.


The chakras are energy centres in the body that can benefit from removing any energetic blockages. Gemstones can help to maintain clearing and a healthy chakra overall. Find a helpful guide to buying crystals on our gemstone page.

Gems and Friends

This is a catchy title that refers to our gemstones and other products that tend to work well with this modality. Things like incense, sage, charging selenite plates, meditation journal and weighted wellness pillows.

The connection between body, mind and soul is energy. When we become aware of our overall health – we tend to imbalances in alignment and focus on healing them.

Different crystals help with different chakras or energy centres. For example, the blue gems will be affective for the throat chakra and opening it up. When the throat chakra is open we will feel more ready to speak our mind or stand up for ourselves. A good choice would be the Blue Lace Agate or the Celestite. Find crystals in Saskatoon here.


Our incense is Canada made in Mission B.C. by an all indigenous company. It is made from all natural ingredients and packaged simply in a printed paper wrap.

There are many different kinds of incense such as Sandalwood, Sage, Cedar Wood, Wildflower and Maple.

To burn incense you will need an incense burner. There are ones made from driftwood, concrete or wood to choose from in our Saskatoon shop.