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Aromatherapy and Scented Gifts

Aromatherapy is a varied category. Here you will find items with the sole purpose to smell. Scents for the shower, scents for the body, scents for the home. Let’s dive in.

Scents for the Shower

First up, scents for the shower. A scent for the shower that’s not a body product can only be shower steamers of course. They’re popular and for good reason. Shower only people have been missing out on the relaxing aromatherapy effects of baths for far too long. Made in Winnipeg, these shower steamers come in a two pack. Scents include lavender steamers, for bedtime showers. Citrus steamers for morning showers. Eucalyptus steamers for sick or allergy clearing showers. And peppermint steamers for headaches. 

Scents for the Body

Secondly we have aromatherapy scents for the body. Only two items here and that’s perfume and cologne. Our cologne’s unique in that it comes in a solid form. Packaged in a tin, these colognes for men are great for their gym bags and travelling! Simply rub on pulse points.

Perfumes all natural scents made with essential oils. There’s pros and cons to all natural perfumes. The biggest pro being that scent sensitive women can enjoy perfume again, it’s less likely to irritate if you end up in a no-scent facility, and you can apply as much or as little as you like without overwhelming. To be clear, there’s still very much so a scent to these, imagine smelling a forest rather then pine sol lol. The con being that it does wear off faster then a standard perfume would. Oh and they roll on so super easy to apply!

Scents for the Home

Last up, scents for the home and here we have four subcategories of incense, candles, sprays and wax melts. Our handmade incense comes from British Columbia. This all natural incense scents will not overwhelm the palette. Scents include sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass and maple. Complete the perfect gift by pairing with one of our incense holders. It should be noted that because these are handmade with quality ingredients that they will last longer then a box stores brand.


Candles at Hen and Chick are all handmade in Canada. We have a cotton wicked soy candles by Flicker Candle Co. Available in two sizes and many scents including fireside, cafe, lavender. Their most popular, the london fog candle, you have to smell it to see why. Wooden wick or wood wicked candles by Ellington & Co made with quality wax and come in a handful of scents. The wood wick makes a very soft but soothing crackle, like your own miniature fireplace. Beeswax candles can also be found at our downtown Saskatoon gift shop. Beeswax tapers, beeswax pillars, beeswax tea lights, beeswax birthday candles, beeswax wraps..oh wait that’s a different category! 

Room Sprays/Wax Melts

A couple room spray options, one coming from Prairie Creek Candles in Saskatchewan. These room sprays by Prairie Creek come in glass amber jars and a handful of scents varied by the season. Our winter or holiday or christmas room spray is labelled as such but I love this scent and would definitely use it year round. If you have a wax burner we also carry all natural wax melts, these come in a bulk bag and little heart shapes. They have great scent throw and I would personally rank them high and above that big name brand for smell quality alone.

Find these scented gifts at our Saskatoon gift shop located in the heart of the city, across from Kelvin’s perk and beside Marhaba.